The industry... Aaah.. This is one topic that is very much close to the globe's heart considering the world and employment crisis today. Communication technology.. Probably the first thing I could think of when it comes to industrialization were factories! Yes.. But in our country today, where were those factories who promised globalization? Those who asked for the people's land in those remote places and promised a better job and source of income?
There indeed and undoubtedly a huge role of communication technology in the development of industries. However, I am being and absolutely blinded that these development could create a devastating effect to the common people who just ask for minimum wage in order to survive a day in their life. With every news i watch and hear, companies and other factories in the country is now for closure or their employment rate is at its lowest. I've heard stories that factory workers go to work thrice a week. How much income do they earn from that? Hmmm.. A development in communication technology would probably be the hi tech machineries and gadgets. Where manpower is not really an issue anymore. Lucky for those who's in the field of technology and scientific and advanced researched. But how bout those people who just work and need an income for a day. In a few years from now, I believe the industry will be depending on those machineries, robotics, electronic gadgets or whatever they want to call it. And that yeah. I guess that is the role of communication technology in development in industrialization. But how about the common people who still believes in manpower and hard work?
I am so bitter to this. To all who lose their jobs because of the unstoppable inventions and upgrades in technology. :-(